
Students in the class were divided into focus-centered groups that researched different aspects of race and identity at Wheelock College.  The group that compiled this guide used interviews as their primary mode of data collection.  
Prior to conducting interviews, a set of questions was written as a framework for the conversations. In addition to reaching out to faculty and staff individually, an email was sent to all Wheelock faculty. Interviews were conducted via email, in person, and on the phone.  Once the interviews had been completed and transcribed, researchers analyzed the data to determine commonalities.  
Furthermore, all members of the group conducted research on inclusion, diversity, and cultural competence to provide a knowledge base to use in creating this guide.  Recommended readings from interviewees were also reviewed.
The guide is made up of six parts:

Guide Team

Na'sha Bailey Ashley Gillis Taylor Goyette-Frechette Kylie Maguire Ceili Mclaughlin Elizabeth Pellegrino Mikalya Wilson Samantha Summers Amber Tudor Willian Weir